
Atypical Theology

I am a person that some people do not like. I am a person that my family looks down upon. To you I will say that I am, simply speaking, an atheist. I worship no god... no supreme being. My views on ethical and moral situations perhaps reflect in the way I see things. I will not treat people with religious beliefs with a holier-than-thou attitude because why should I? What have I got that you haven't? Knowledge? Wisdom? You better know damn well sure that isn't true. Who am I to tell you (or anybody for that matter) what to believe in? I haven't got the right to blatantly disrespect whatever supreme being you pay homage to.

In these respects, I think I'm weird. I will fight with no religious man or woman. I will not say that you are wrong to believe in what you do. Why? Well... I don't know. I just don't feel as if you are wrong in anyway to believe in God or whom/whatever you should happen to worship. For all it's worth, I'm an ignorant twit that hasn't got a clue what going on in this macrocosm let alone what's happening when it comes to otherworldly deeds.

Now, there is a reason why I am not like my family in being a Christian. For one, I've never seemed to be able to grasp whatever concept is being introduced by the bible. To me, it's nothing but a tale lined with truths and fictions that have been exploited and hidden throughout history. I've always been ashamed of this thought, after all, my family hasn't got the slightest clue that I do not believe in God. Dear me... I'll have to inform them sometime this century. Anyway, I've never liked their ways. To go to church one day and repent for all sins committed and then go talking and raving about people behind their backs in the same afternoon is not exactly what I call good habits. They are not... bad people; in a sense, we are all flawed. Just the hypocritical behavior that they necessitate on a day to day basis is a bit tiresome to deal with.

In the wake of this new tidbit of evidence I'd like to state that I believe in the Big Bang Theory as much as I believe in God. I mean no contempt by that statement by the way. To be brutally honest, I don't know what to believe in. There is this bogus, half-assed theory on how the world came to be out of nothing (how can something come from nothing?), and the idea of the creationist. I'm more inclined to stick with the bible. It's much more interesting in my opinion anyway. Ugh... anyway, there's wasn't much of a point to this except to tell you where I am on a religious stand point. I'd also like to ask that you please not get into a debate with me over this topic... there are to many religions, to many theories and to many ideas for me to accept any one thing someone tries to shove in my smartass head.

~Epoch [z]

p.s. Sorry, I cussed uh... three times in there. But what can I say, my thoughts aren't mild. I'm going straight from brain to paper here. So you're gonna get a spicy bean burrito with diablo sauce on top.

p.s.s Ehm... right, almost forgot. This post is the last before school starts. I just thought I get this last thing out before I go take a nap and forget. So, there you have it. This was also posted because I recently came across Livingsword's blogs Creation of the Blade and Life on the Blade.


Deadpoolite said...

Personally I dont like much the ritualistic side of things.

Believing in something is cool and I like it. However, believing in something the way THEY want you to believe is unacceptable...

I think the essence of religion is a wonderful thing because it gives hope to a lot of people that need it to get past each day or some major crisis in their lives. However, I think a lot of the manmade infrastructure of religions is absolute bs. I always feel the need to separate these two concepts for some reason:)


Livingsword said...

Hi Epoch [z];

I want to thank you for visiting my blogs; I want you to know that I very much welcome your comments on them. My blogs are for everybody, no matter their beliefs, I enjoy the engagement, and I believe that it is important for followers of Jesus to listen to other points of view (not just hear but listen).

For most of my life I was an atheist, I grew up with no Jesus-Organized-Followers (Church) influence in my life. For nine or so years (in my twenties) I did a comprehensive study of all of the worlds major “belief systems” (including science); the entire time I was doing this study I maxed out in partying all around western North America. I came out the other side as a follower of Jesus.

Since you visited my blogs you have probably noticed that I hate religion. Religion is the enemy of every genuine follower of Jesus. I am not going to “preach” (therefore no quotes from the Blade), but just so you know it backs up what I saying. It is about relationship not religion.

I look forward to your insights.

Paper Fan Club said...

I think you were very honest and to a degree, brave, for making the personal post you did. It's difficult to know what to believe, but it's important to struggle and eventually, make your own decisions.

Max Coutinho said...

Hello there!

I don't think it's bad to have your own opinion. What I found weird is your not telling your family about your atheism: but what well...it's also your decision to make!

Everybody is hypocritical, with or without a religion, with or without a relationship with God (as my friend Livingsword says)...you're born as a human: you'll become hypocritical at some point of your life!

I don't have a religion myself, but I like to debate theological issues on a philosophical level!

Anyway, I came with a purpose: you have been awarded! Check it out at:



Epoch [z] said...

deadpoolite - Looks like we're [somewhat] on the same page here. I can whole-heartedly agree with everything you've said...some people simply let it take over their lives. Something I simply cannot get past.

livingsword - You're quite welcome... I do agree.

Sometimes people get so 'into' church they just... I dunno, it's hard to explain. But I don't much like it all the same. I have much respect for you, keep on blogging!

~Epoch [z]

Epoch [z] said...

paper fan club - Thanks. I suppose it can be difficult, but I'm making it through.

Max - It is weird I suppose that I haven't informed my family :/ Eh... I just never really comes up... okay it does but I never discuss. I'll suck it up and tell them eventually.

I know that everyone is hypocritical, I know I can be at times. It's just that I've experienced a few extreme cases exclusive to the church and no where else.

Awarded huh? I'll definitely have to check this one out :)

~Epoch [z]

linda said...

What you say makes complete sense to me. To me, the Bible is just some sort of weird and tainted history book. I just do not get it and nor do I feel the need to explain my feelings about it. And, if someone wants to believe what they believe, go for it. My ignorance on such matters has no boundaries and I never feel as though my life has any less meaning in anyway due to that lack of knowledge. I just live to the beat of my own drum, treat people nicely because we share this earth and that is about it. So much easier that way. PS, I like your blog - good reading.

Epoch [z] said...

linda and her surroundings - ^_^ It's nice to know others share the same view of things as I myself. Thank you, I'll be looking at yours as well.

Livingsword said...

Hi Epoch [z];

I hope you are well, I am wondering if you would be so kind as to visit Life on the Blade and make a comment on a simulblog (Graffiti) that I am doing with Max.

I think you would find it rather interesting, I am curious as to your point of view on the topic.