
My Nation

I have a lot of respect for my country despite what has happened this last decade or so. I respect America because this is MY country. We're in a war against terrrorism, sickness, poverty, racism; every single little thing in the world. Yet this remains to be where I live and where I reside. I don't like that we're fighting in Iraq and losing OUR men and women to those who think that they can come and fuck up our country. I hate that, yet I respect that they continue to fight for us.

I haven't got a shred of respect for people who think they can come and talk shit about America. Sure, it can go back to stereotypes and stuff, but more importantly it's lack of any kind of knowledge. People like that don't have knowledge of who we ARE. Every single place in the world (except maybe Antarctica) has poverty. Even America. We've got people living on the street begging for pennies... yes pennies. I feel disgusted.... saddened.... depressed that this is the place I live. I'm horrified that I can go home and pretend like nothing's wrong with our world when there are people fighting just to stay alive a couple of miles down the road. In the U.S.A., we run our nation based upon a democracy but that doesn't mean we don't have problems as well.

How many billions of dollars does our nation spend on foreign aid every year when, even in our own place of residence, we can't help ourselves? You people that think that living in America is just all fun and games... laid back living.... get a clue. Everybody lives in hell, some of us just like to cover up the heat with nice things. I'm not saying that us American's are better than anybody else, because we're not. And where anyone can think that I have no idea. I wasn't sheltered when I was a child. I lived in a nice home but I grew up watching the news and by now you should know that that's the worse thing to do to a child. 6 years ago I was 9 years old and watched people jump off a 110 story building at the cost of their lives.They were so desperate... wanting to live at the cost of broken legs... broken arms... fractured skulls... We lost a lot of people in 9/11. It's sad, I'm crying right now because I hate to think about it. But I WILL think about it, not because it fuels my anger but because that's why we are fighting. Because of 9/11.

Our school systems are less than glorious... I know that. I live in a state with one of the worst education systems in America. I wish we could take some of that money from foreign aid and help my own education but that would be selfish. At least I am getting an education because if I wasn't I don't know what I'd do. We've got slums and ghettos. We've got aids and influenza. We've got every possible little thing going wrong and yet we still help out elsewhere.

So if you're one of those people who think that America is a bunch of rich snobs, then I suggest you shove it. I'm tired of hearing that bullshit. Before you even think of bashing MY... no, OUR country, perhaps you should come down here and check it out yourself. And for those of you who don't live in an ignorant little fantasy, thank you. You've got more respect from me than I give to most. I love my country, and I'll stand by it's side till the end. It's bad now... there's no paradise where I reside, but still. This is my country and if you insist on degrading it then I suggest you find another ear because I'm not taking anymore of it.

~Epoch [z]


Anonymous said...

What a touching post. Keep up the good work!

Graham Ettridge said...

Hey Epoch [z]!! What a moving piece. Like you, I am very patriotic about my country. I too get angry when I see how much of British money goes to international poverty when we have many homeless and malnurished people on our own island. Stand by your principles..that's what makes you who you are!!! Oh, on that note...you've been tagged....by me (ooops!). Refer to my latest post to see what happens next hehehe. Best wishes ~ Graham :)

Epoch [z] said...

Thanks both of you. It's just a bit... depressing to think about so I decided to vent in the blog.

~Epoch [z]