
Peaches and Cream

Homosexuality is a tense subject. I'm not gonna lie and I'm not going to be nice about the subject on hand. It gets people all white-knuckled with anger on both sides of the argument. I just cannot fathom what the big deal is. Fine... maybe you don't like the guy-on-guy or girl-on-girl, but the fact still remains that they are humans.

Sure, when it comes to some issues like peace of the free world or the elimination of human pollution to stop global warming, you can be obstinate. But when it comes to the issue at hand, how can you be so close-minded? There are those that oppose homosexuality to the point of it being called 'shameful'. The ethical ideals that we have to come to accept in the new age still include a prejudice not only for the racial society but also for the homosexual community.

What kind of vices are we adopting when we can not even accept the sexual ideas of a man and a women? I surf the net and see all these sites dedicated to the pureness of man. This includes the need to arbitrarily take the sexuality of a man/women and completely disrespect what they have. You say that that isn't gay bashing. Leave it alone for a few and read it over. If you can't see that you haven't just flippantly made the most contemptuous piece of crap on the web then you must live under a rock.

I don't really know it all but... doesn't everyone deserve a chance to love? Doesn't matter if they're of the same sexual orientation. It's not revolting. It's not disgusting. It's not even a rebellion. I think it's just how they are. Can you stop yourself from liking... even loving someone? Yeah, I didn't think so.

~Epoch [z]

p.s. In some places, being homosexual warrants the death penalty. Isn't our world just peaches and cream?


RiZZ0 said...

P0EM Y0U WR0TE.<33

someGirl said...

Hey, Epoch. Thanks so much for leaving your kind comments...on both my posts! I'm not funny or insightful, just slightly neurotic. The blog gives the illusion (or allusion?) of sanity and witticism!!

PS. I'm a green blogger too!

Hannah said...

It is so sad that after so many years it is still frowned upon.
I had the same agrument with someone about it not being a choice. You can't choose who you love.
At least there are some people who do accept it. Hope is not lost, just slow.
Good post :)
And thanks for all the posts on my blog.

Paper Fan Club said...

I loved this blog posting, Epoch. I both know and love someone who is gay -- and know and love someone who is adamantly against what he calls "unnatural behavior." An important subject always worth discussion. Thanks.

The Dude said...

good post! That is why The Dude chooses only to love beer... and his girlfriend of course... ;)

The Man Blog @

Epoch [z] said...

somegirl - Your welcome... it's my pleasure.

hannah - It is sad, some people just... they just don't get it I guess. But indeed, hope is not lost. Your welcome, your post are very interesting.

paper fan club - Thank you. Unnatural behaviour? Mmm... I'm sorry he feels that way :/

the dude - haha well, keep on lovin' then.

Everyone/All - Thank you all for your post. As they are, and always will be much appreciated on my part.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the overall sentiment of what you said. You are right that we shouldn't look down on them because of their sexual orientation and we should be able to love them with the general love we extend to all of mankind. It's ridiculous the hate that can be pointed at someone who is different.

I unfortunately disagree with you on the whole choice idea. I personally believe it is a choice. Even if they find that some people are genetically predisposed to homosexuality, I think we can choose how we act as a result.

I know I am probably ruffling a few feathers here, but like I mentioned above, we should still love them. Be able to extend to them the courtesies we would if we didn't know their sexual preference. Even if it is something ultimately chosen, whether in a moment or over years of confusion, it is THEIR choice.

I would explain this like this: Alcoholism has been proven to have a genetic root. Not all alcoholics are genetically predisposed, but they are alcoholic nonetheless. Just like there are some people with the gene that makes them predisposed to alcoholism, but yet they aren't alcoholics.

I know that in the scheme of things this may be a rather shallow example, but this is how it makes sense to me.

No matter what, we are human. And so is everyone else. Homosexual, heterosexual, bi/curious, or indian chief. Shouldn't change our capacity to love someone else.

Epoch [z] said...

spaceman spiff - This is a great response! We all have our opinions on the matter. I'll keep it in mind.

I suppose that to some degree, that ultimately it is a person's choice. But the fact that they have a choice is what allows them to make the decisions they do. They don't have to come 'out'. They could marry/date someone of an opposing sexual orientation. The only problem would be the fact that they probably won't be very happy.

Either way... you make a good point. And the alcoholism theory cleared it up a bit (as it was confusing to understand at first).

~Epoch [z]

Anonymous said...

Sorry it was a little confusing at first. I was working a midnight with very little sleep and I knew I wasn't really making sense.

Forgive the fuzziness of logic, but everyone writes crappy stuff when they are sleep-deprived.

Epoch [z] said...

It's fine. I've got it now, for the late night response, I'd say you did more than well.

~Epoch [z]